Posts of the day 2018-09-30
EXPOSEDPossum Attacks Man in Willis, TX!
Developer/Producer Psyonix to start charging MONTHLY subscriptions.
Bakersfield At Risk
FBI confirms Trump stole candy from children, exposed himself to school children, shot JR, ate the last slice, invented new coke, was the second gunman on the grassy knoll, is actually Putin in a fat suit and farted in a crowded elevator while denying it
Man Spotted in Local town Cente Wearing Black gimp suit and had cuffs but latter just disappeareds
Spotted Man Walking In Local Town Centre Wearing Perspex GImp Suit Tied To Lampost With Dog Leash
Banning chocolate in Columbus
Ezekiel Elliott announces sudden retirement
Ezekiel Elliott announces suddedn retirement
Twinkies Will Be Discontined At The End Of October 2018
Girls with name Shaina
Hydrocodone now legal
Reese cups due to be discontinued